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Jun 24, 2013

By Eric B. Meyer

Every so often, I get a call from an employee. The call goes something like this:

“I need an employment lawyer. Are you an employment lawyer?”


“Good. Because I am dealing with a hostile work environment.”

“Well, I generally only represent employers. So—“

“— But, my hostile work environment is bad. My manager is so mean. He yells at me. He gives me lots of work. He’s terrible. Do I have a case?”

“How did you get my number?”

“I found it on the Internet.”

(*** curses Internet ***)

NOT a hostile work environment

Folks, I’m right there with you. Mean bosses suck. And who likes having to do a lot of work, especially when you’re getting yelled at? But this is not what the law recognizes as a hostile work environment.

But don’t just take my word on it. Consider the Philadelphia-based U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeal’s recent opinion in Fichter v. AMG Resources Corp. In this case, the employee cited 14 examples of what she believed created a hostile work environment, ranging from her male manager asking that she finish her work quickly and being required to tell her male manager if she would be arriving to work late or leaving early.

In denying the plaintiff’s claim for hostile work environment (based on gender), the Third Circuit underscored what the manager was asking of Ms. Fichter is what managers generally ask of their employees. So nothing here amounted to a Title VII violation.

Title VII doesn’t guarantee a perfect working environment. But, calls like the one above suggest that, while your workplace may not violate discrimination laws, there could be some problems worth addressing. As evidenced by the Fichter case, some lawyers don’t have the same filters that I do.

And, last time I checked, it’ll cost you money to defend a discrimination lawsuit — even if it’s meritless.

This was originally published on Eric B. Meyer’s blog, The Employer Handbook.