Gregg Gordon

Gregg Gordon

Gregg Gordon has been helping companies and employees achieve optimal outcomes related to efficiency and engagement for more than thirteen years. Beginning with the application of the Lean philosophy to workforce practices, Gordon helped manufacturing companies gain high levels of employee engagement while simultaneously improving operational excellence. In his first book, Lean Labor, A Survival Guide for Companies Facing Global Competition, Gordon provided a roadmap for global manufacturers to achieve this in a step-by-step process.

Currently, Gordon leads Kronos’ data science practice and in this role, he focuses on applying data to understand the relationship between a company, its employees, and customers across different industries. His experience has shown him how a company’s operational processes have a direct impact on workforce engagement and employee engagement and where changes can be made for improvements. These learnings led to the development of his book, Your Last Differentiator: Human Capital.

Gordon earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and a master’s degree in business administration from Boston University.



2 articles by Gregg Gordon