
Here Are 4 More Good Reasons For You to Attend TLNT Transform

Dec 1, 2011
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

Now that we’re into December and the last month of 2011, it’s time to start getting serious about your plans for the New Year.

And if you like the timely and insightful content here at TLNT, you’ll love the TLNT Transform conference next February in Austin, Texas, because it is going to be like TLNT on steroids.

Not only will you hear from some of the great HR and talent management thinkers you enjoy here each week — people like Ron Thomas, Jennifer Benz, Tim Sackett, and Eric Meyer, to name a few — but we’ll also have a lot more in the mix. I’ve mentioned some of them here, including Billy Beane of “Moneyball” fame, and former Southwest and Yahoo HR chief Libby Sartain.

But if you haven’t checked out the list of speakers and presenters on the Transform website (and you should), here are three more people (and reasons) why you need to be with us in Austin next Feb.26-28:

  • Training and development whiz Jim Knight, who heads the School of Hard Rocks as Senior Director of Training at Hard Rock International. Jeez, every company and organization wants to develop great people, and that’s what Jim does over at Hard Rock International. He’ll show you how to do it, too, in How to Build a Team of Rock Stars. After hearing him, I guarantee that you’ll never think of training and talent development the same way again.
  • Human capital management expert Laurie Bassi, co-author of the recent book Good Company: Business Success in the Worthiness Era, will share the hard-nosed evidence she found while researching her book that shows that good companies – those that are good to their employees, their customers, their communities, and the environment – make more money than their less worthy competitors. And, she’ll give you a fresh perspective you can use to get the resources you need to help your organization be a “good company.”
  • Recruiting master Mel Kleiman, who many of you know from his weekly “Hiring Wisdom” posts here at TLNT, will dig into a topic that I know is near and dear to your hearts — Great HR is Simple — It’s Just Not Easy.

One more reason to attend

Ok, those are three more great reasons to attend the Transform conference in February, but I promised you four, so here’s one more.

I’ve said this before, but it bear repeating: the TLNT Transform conference has been designed to prepare you for the challenges and changes you’ll be facing tomorrow and beyond, not just about what you should be doing in the here and now. You’ll hear all the great speakers and talent management experts, I’ve mentioned here plus a lot more. Plus, you’ll be networking with lot of smart HR and talent management professionals in a cool place like Austin, Texas.

We really want you to join us in February in Austin, so take advantage of this great deal so you can attend Transform. If you sign up no — and you need to do before you head home on Friday night — you will not only get the early bird price of $1195 (a $400 discount), but if you use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register, you’ll save an additional $150 off the already discounted registration fee. Just go to the Transform website and register here.

I don’t know about you, but late February in Austin, Texas sounds a lot better than many other places you can be. And, you’ll get a lot of great insight and information as well, so make sure you take advantage of this great offer and sign up to be there at Transform.

PS — If you find you don’t want to miss the discount and need just a couple more days to make a decision on attending Transform, don’t hesitate to reach out an let me know! Email me at and I’ll see what I can do to help you out, because we REALLY want you with us in Austin next February.

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.