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Jun 24, 2012

Another day, another survey, another great informational graphic.

The data comes from the State of Social Technology and Talent Media research report from SilkRoad, a provider of cloud-based social talent management software. Yes, SilkRoad has a dog in this hunt, but that doesn’t mean that the data in the survey isn’t interesting.

In fact, I sort of skimmed over the survey without digging too deep until I saw the infographic. It’s a classic case of how a visual presentation of this kijd of information can really explain it a lot better (and with more insight) than could be accomplished with a story or a straightforward blog post.

As the SilkRoad blog put it:

Social platforms and networks have already started to emerge in all facets of talent management but we found that HR leaders are just now starting to feel the heat to assess, justify and implement social technology initiatives. In fact, our survey found that 75 percent of respondents felt that their company was behind the curve with internal and external use of social technology. We’ve created the infographic below that explores the relationship between HR and social technology, highlighting key findings from the survey.”

So take a look. With so much going on with HR and social media/technology, it is an interesting infographic with some information you may find relevant (and valuable) to your own workplace.