
What HR Trends Can We Expect in 2011 and Beyond?

Mar 24, 2011

Editor’s Note: For more than 30 years, Dr. John Sullivan has been renowned as a provocateur and strategist in the field of human resources and talent management. His specialty is HR strategy and designing world class HR systems and tools for Fortune 200 firms, and he’s never, ever been shy about telling it like it is.

In fact, he’s pretty blunt in his opinions, and that’s why TLNT asked him to share some of his thinking about management and HR in a video series titled “$#*!@ Dr. John Sullivan Says!” Look for these videos twice a week here at TLNT.

Today’s topic: HR Trends for 2011

As Dr. John Sullivan notes, the last 10 years have been pretty chaotic for both business and HR. He doesn’t see that changing anytime soon — for at least another 10 years, at least.

HR of the future, he believes, will be more about the ability to leverage agile strategies. One of those will be the growth in the use of contingent workers — and he predicts they may make up 40-50 percent of the workforce — which will allow organizations to quickly scale their talent up and down as needed.

Some of the other HR trends he sees coming include:

  • Retention and a new war for talent;
  • Integrating technology;
  • Business intelligence;
  • Customer relationship management, and using it to manage talent in the workplace.

“The competitive advantage” in all of this, he says, “is that new programs are going to be developed and continually improved.” And isn’t that an HR trend we can all get behind?

Did you miss the last segment of$#*!@ Dr. John Sullivan Says!” on “Is Teamwork Really Overrated?” You can see it here.