
Welcome to We’re Glad You’re Here

We launched TLNT last week and have had GREAT response to it so far. Please spread the word about the great content and insights we’re publishing here and share with your colleagues!

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Jun 22, 2010

If you are reading this, you clearly are someone I want to get to know better.

Yes, you have found out about, the new website devoted to talent management, HR, and everything having to do with the smart management of your most important resource – your people. It’s brought to you by ERE Media, the same people who bring you, the ERE Recruiting Conference, SourceCon and Talent42.

We launched TLNT last week and have had GREAT response to it so far. My hope is that all of you will pass the word about the great content and insights we’re publishing here on TLNT and will share some of them with your friends and colleagues.

I have a couple of favors to ask all of you, if I may:

  1. If you have a blog of your own, would you kindly consider adding to your blog roll or list of favorite blogs?
  2. Please don’t hesitate to add comments to posts on TLNT because we want your comments and feedback. Many of you have already done this — and we really appreciate it – but we would love to have much, much more.

I also encourage you to e-mail me directly if you have thoughts or suggestions about TLNT. Many of you know me from my previous life as Editor of Workforce Management and, and I found your feedback over the years to be invaluable. I hope you will continue to reach out to me now that I am at TLNT, and you can contact me directly.

I’m also going to be at the annual SHRM conference in San Diego next week, and although my schedule is pretty full, feel free to drop me a note if you would like me to stop by your booth and say hello. I’d love to try and connect with as many of you as I can.

One last thing: a lot of you have asked me what TLNT stands for. It’s short for talent, sort of like the way you might see it spelled on a custom license plate. And, it speaks to the fact that we will be writing and reflecting about all things concerning talent and talent management here at

I hope you will continue to stop by here frequently, comment on our content, and stay engaged with what we are doing on Facebook, Linkedin (we have a TLNT group), and on Twitter.

Thanks again for the great feedback here in our first week. As good as we feel about the first week of publishing TLNT, I promise you – the best is yet to come.