
Top 15 Strategic Actions to Consider in Talent Management

Dec 20, 2011

Dr. John Sullivan knows a few things about talent management, and that’s why his post over at (TLNT’s sister website) earlier this week is a grabber.

As he rightly points out, “The New Year is an opportune time to ‘raise the bar’ by doing something strategic in talent management … (but) unfortunately, many talent management leaders are risk adverse, and although they constantly talk about the need to ‘be more strategic,’ they all-too-frequently find excuses that indefinitely postpone those dramatic and strategic actions.”

Yes, the New Year certainly IS the time to push to do something strategic in talent management, and Dr. John goes on to give his Top 15 Potential Strategic Actions to Consider in Talent Management. Most of these make a lot of sense, but here’s just one that jumped out at me from his list:

Reward great people management – Most managers simply don’t spend enough time on talent management activities. The primary reason is that managers are not directly measured or rewarded based on how well they manage their talent. This is true even though talent management “owns” all of the key components related to measuring and rewarding (performance management, performance appraisal, competencies, and reward systems). The key action step is to develop a “people management scorecard” for each individual manager and reward them based on their performance against those standards.”

I’ve never read anything from Dr. John Sullivan that didn’t force me to step back and really think a little more about an HR or talent management issue in a new and different way, and his Top 15 Potential Strategic Actions is no different. It’s well worth digging into if you are looking at what you want to do differently when it comers to talent management in the New Year.

For more of Dr. John Sullivan’s Top 15 Potential Strategic Actions to Consider in Talent Management, click here.