
The Silent Call for Leadership Brings HR to the Top of the Pyramid

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Aug 17, 2010

My daughter told me last year that she would be glad when she graduates because she is tired of the grind of studying.

I politely told her that studying never stops. Whatever industry or career that you decide to go into will always require that you stay on top of the trends, best practices, innovations, and industry knowledge. It never stops. It just becomes a new model of “studying” or staying abreast of your industry.

Over the past few months, I have read numerous articles and white papers on various topics relating to HR, as you probably have, too. Some have been pretty newsworthy, and this is what makes social media one of the most exciting inventions today — the ability to stay abreast of selected, newsworthy topics. Almost instantaneously, Twittter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google Alerts (and others) allow you to gather all the information that you may need.

Recent insights into the “Business of HR”

Because my business and passion is HR, I try and keep abreast of all the information that is published about it. This allows me to stay current on strategies, issues, and sometimes, just to think.

We had a spirited discussion here on TLNT the other day concerning a certain phrase (I said that I would no longer mention it) that revolves around the “table.”

All this brings me to some of the latest articles that I have found interesting and insightful and how it relates to the Business of HR.

Sudden resignation of HP CEO Mark Hurd: Succession Planning and Corporate Governance;

• SHRM CEO Lon O’Neil resigning: Succession Planning;

GM CEO/Chairman of GM suddenly exits: Succession Planning and Corporate Governance;

Lebron James exits Cleveland for Miami: Employee Engagement, Gen X & Millennials in the workplace;

JetBlue Flight Attendant Meltdown: WorkPlace Stress, Employee Engagement, Talent Management;

40% of Workers are Ready to Find a new Job:, Employee Engagement, Talent Management, Talent Management

Corner Office Articles on Leadership from the C-Suite: Leadership;

Breakdown in trust heralds retention crisis: Leadership, Organizational Trust, Employee Engagement;

Employee Engagement Role in Returning to Growth: Employee Engagement, Talent Management.

This list could go on and on. I am sure there are certain articles that you have read recently that could be added as well.

A silent call for organizational leadership

As I read or “study” this information, I notice the impact that all has. There is an unconscious calling out for HR professionals to lead the way in our organizations. Every one of these issues relates to our area, our domain. In the organizational food chain, we have now risen to the top of the pyramid.

I noticed how “Marketing” is all over social media trying to harness the impact of this new innovation. This is the model that HR will have to move in the direction of. We should be all over these issues — leading, guiding and counseling ahead of the curve, not waiting to be asked. Today, HR is being inundated with a silent call for leadership in all of our businesses and organizations.

To stay on top of our game, we must be steeped in the innovations of organizational design, leadership, and engagement. We must lead the way

So as I said to my daughter, the studying never stops.

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