
The 2012 Transform Conference: It’s One Resolution That’s Easy to Keep

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Jan 5, 2012
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

It’s 2012, a New Year. Have you made any resolutions yet?

If you haven’t — or even if you have — here’s one you might want to add to your list: resolve to get out of a rut and to attend an HR and talent management event in 2012 that helps you focus on what you need to do to be successful tomorrow instead of just focusing on today.

And, even though it can be pretty hard to keep a New Year’s resolution, this one is easy to stick to — all you need to do is attend the TLNT Transform conference February 27-28 in beautiful Austin, Texas.

3 reasons to attend

There are a lot of good reasons to attend Transform next month. Not only will you hear from some of the great HR and talent management thinkers you read here each week — people like Ron Thomas, Jennifer Benz, Tim Sackett, and Eric Meyer, to name a few — but you’ll also get great advice from forward-thinkers like Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane of “Moneyball” fame, and former Southwest and Yahoo HR chief Libby Sartain.

But if you haven’t checked out the list of speakers and presenters on the Transform website (and you should), here are three good reasons why you need to be with us in Austin next Feb.26-28:

  • Human capital management expert Laurie Bassi, co-author of the recent book Good Company: Business Success in the Worthiness Era, will share the hard-nosed evidence she found while researching her book that shows that good companies – those that are good to their employees, their customers, their communities, and the environment – make more money than their less worthy competitors. And, she’ll give you a fresh perspective you can use to get the resources you need to help your organization be a “good company.
  • Training and development whiz Jim Knight, who heads the School of Hard Rocks as Senior Director of Training at Hard Rock International. Jeez, every company and organization wants to develop great people, and that’s what Jim does over at Hard Rock International. He’ll show you how to do it, too, in How to Build a Team of Rock Stars. After hearing him, I guarantee that you’ll never think of training and talent development the same way again.
  • Talent management thinker Margaret Morford, who has a Tennessee-based international consulting and training company, The HR Edge, will talk about how HR Fiddles While Organizations Burn. Margaret is a provocative and insightful speaker, and I guarantee you that her Transform presentation promises to be just as frank and forthright.

One more good reason you should go

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Ok, those are three more great reasons to attend the Transform conference in February, but I promised you four, so here’s one more.

  • Friday January 13 is the last day to get a $300 discount! Plus, if you register now and use the discount code TF12TLNT you will get an extra $250 off the already discounted rate that expires Jan 13. That’s only eight (8) days away, so just go to the Transform website and register now.

TLNT Transform isn’t your typical talent management or HR conference. It has been carefully designed to prepare you for the challenges and changes you’ll be facing tomorrow and beyond, not just about what you should be doing in the here and now.

If you go, you’ll hear all the great speakers and talent management experts I’ve mentioned here plus a lot more. You’ll be networking with some smart HR and talent management professionals in a cool place like Austin, Texas. Plus, you will be able to pick up some HRCI credits as well, if that’s something you need.

We really want you to join us next month in Austin, so take advantage of this great deal so you can attend Transform. Sign up this week  — by Friday Jan. 13  — you will not only get the early bird price of $1295, but if you use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register, you’ll save an additional $250 off the early bird rate. Just go to the Transform website and register here.

Late February in Austin, Texas should be nice, and probably a lot better (and warmer) than many other places you can be. And, you’ll get a lot of great insight and forward-thinking information about HR and talent management as well, so make sure you take advantage of this great offer and sign up to be there at Transform.

Yes, it’s a new year — and I guarantee this is one resolution you’ll want to keep.

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.