
Recruiting Myth #3: If We Make Jobs Hard to Get, People Won’t Apply

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Jun 8, 2011

Editor’s Note: Humetrics CEO Mel Kleiman has been helping employers standardize and systemize the way they recruit, select, and retain frontline hourly employees/managers for over 30 years. He knows what works — and what doesn’t. This is the third in his series on “Recruiting Myths.”

By Mel Kleiman

The most important decision you’ll ever make is who you allow in the doors to take care of your customers. So, it’s up to you to set high standards and hire only the best.

After all, one bad experience with one bad hire and that’s at least one customer who will never come back again. (And that unhappy client will most likely tell all their friends and family about their bad experience too.)

The fact is, the harder the job is to get, the more the very best people will want it. If you:

  1. Do a telephone prescreen.
  2. Then test for the requisite physical and mental capacities, attitudes, and skills.
  3. Then interview thoroughly so you understand what motivates and drives this applicant, and,
  4. Then do a thorough reference and background check before making an offer of employment.

The person receiving the offer will feel very special indeed – like they earned the job on their own merits and are “a cut above” all the other applicants.

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog. His last Recruiting Myth was “We Only Recruit When We Have an Immediate Need.”