
Ignite HR 4: Who Are You? (or Why HR Controls Workforce Marketing)

Jan 10, 2013

Here’s a talent management concept that you may roll your eyes over, but believe me, it’s one you should look at.

Here it is: workforce marketing.

I heard about it for the first time at the annual HR Reinvention conference in Omaha last November, when Jason Seiden (CEO of Ajax Workforce Marketing in Chicago) did an Ignite HR presentation about it. According to Jason, “it’s the idea of making your company’s brand message so compelling that your employees opt into making it part of their message.”

In case that doesn’t do much for you, consider this: Jason also makes the point that, “HR controls workforce marketing.”

“Artificial divide” between personal, professional life

He added this: “We have designed corporate life to have this artificial divide between our personal and professional world. That doesn’t work for people. HR needs to solve it.”

Yes, that probably got your attention, and it is why Jason Seiden’s Ignite HR presentation HR Reinvention conference is one you may find intriguing.

It’s the latest in a series of Ignite HR videos, and if you missed the first three, you can find them here. They are:

Ignite HR: A tight format

Ignite HR is a format that gives presenters a tight structure of 5 minutes, 20 slides and exactly 15 seconds per slide. This makes it hard for presenters or conference attendees to linger on any one slide, any one point, and any single issue.

If the presentation is good, you’re left wanting more. If it is not so good, well, it’s over in five minutes, isn’t it?

These presentations were originally given at the HR Reinvention conference in Omaha last fall, and the theme of the conference was “putting the human back in human resources.”

If you are interested in that — and that’s why you’re probably here at TLNT — then these video are clearly for you.