
How Do You Tell a Bad But Persistent Candidate to Just Go Away?

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Apr 19, 2013
This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.

Editor’s Note: Sometimes, readers ask about past TLNT articles they may have missed. That’s why on Fridays we republish a Classic TLNT post some of you have asked about.

Every Monday morning, we have a recruiter meeting at my company, HRU.

The purpose of the meeting is for our recruiting department to share with each other what they are working on, what they’ve accomplished the prior week, and give updates that the full group might need to know.

Something came up this week that I wanted to share. Like most recruiting departments/companies/etc., we have our “Repeat Offenders” – these are the people who just won’t give up.

At one point, a recruiter probably called them, and maybe even interviewed them, possibly even hired them, but now they won’t leave you alone – they call, they email, they LinkedIn, send Facebook Friend requests, etc.

Basically, they have become a stalker!

Here’s an easy, 1-step solution

This morning, one of the recruiters says “Mr. Jones (I’ve changed the name to protect the guilty) won’t stop bugging me. He emails his resume to me ‘every’ day!”

We know Mr. Jones because Mr. Jones used to work for us at a client and it didn’t turn out so well. Now, Mr. Jones wants us to find him his next assignment. The problem with Mr. Jones isn’t skill related, it’s personality related – he’s annoying. He was annoying to the client, to his work group peers, he is annoying to us, and I’m pretty sure he was annoying to his ex-wife – thus the “ex”!

So, the BIG question. How do you get Mr. Jones to stop bugging you? This happens to every single recruiter I know eventually.

Here are the steps I use:

  1. Tell them!

That’s it – no more steps.

Use straight talk rather than being conflict avoidant

Here’s our problem as recruiters: we never want to burn a bridge. “Well, Tim, you don’t know where he might go, who might hire him, I don’t want to ruin my reputation.” Bullshit. You’re being conflict avoidant, and if you look at your last performance review, I bet under “opportunities” it probably says something about avoiding conflict or not confronting issues head on.

I had a very good HR mentor once tell me that “it’s best to deliver them that gift, then to allow them to walk around not knowing.” Once you start being straightforward you’ll be amazed at how many people will say, “No one has ever told me that!”

And that’s the problem – no one ever tells them the truth, thus they keep doing the wrong thing instead of trying to fix what is wrong.

How do you get an annoying candidate to stop bugging you? You tell them exactly, very specifically, very calmly, with no ill intent – “I want to give you a gift. You might not see it as a gift right now, but I hope in time you’ll understand it to be a very valuable gift. I (don’t use “we” or “us” or “the company – you’re avoiding again by using those) – I think you have a very bad personality flaw that comes across as annoying to me, and from the feedback I have received, to those you work with. If this does not change, I won’t be finding you any job in the future, and you’ll probably struggle to find one on your own as well.”

It’s rude to string a bad candidate along

OUCH! That hurt right? But read it again; was there anything mean or untrue in the statement?

If this person actually listens to the statement and acts on it, will they be better for it? You can change the reason for whatever issue the person might have – maybe it’s hygiene, maybe it’s a crazy laugh, who knows – but the basic message stays the same. You need to change, or I never want to speak to you again.

It’s hard for recruiters to understand this, because 99 percent have been taught to be nice, thoughtful people and not to be rude. This sounds a bit rude. In reality, I think it’s rude to string a person along and not care enough to actually tell them what is wrong and to help them.

Stop telling candidates your blow off lines and start telling candidates the truth. At the very least, you’ll have more time on your hands to talk to the candidates you really want to speak to!

This was originally published on Tim Sackett’s blog, The Tim Sackett Project.

This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.