
Hiring Wisdom: Why Don’t Most Hiring Managers Do the Obvious?

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Dec 24, 2012

I wonder why most hiring managers and HR folks don’t do what is obvious? For example:

  1. Hire tough so they get to manage easy.
  2. To have a happy work place, why don’t they hire happy people?
  3. Why don’t they go looking for the type of employees they want to hire instead of hoping they will walk in the door? (They usually don’t. They are too busy working someplace else.)
  4. If they know they can get more by paying more, why not pay more and expect more?
  5. Since one of the key motivators is recognition and, in most cases it doesn’t even cost money, why don’t they give more recognition?
  6. If you only get one chance to make a first impression, why don’t they make the first day on the job the best day any new employee will ever have?
  7. Since it pays to learn to fail fast, why do they hold on to employees who aren’t pulling their weight?

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.