
Hiring Wisdom: What If You Could See the Applicant’s Last Evaluation?

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Sep 3, 2013

The headline above was the subject line of an email I received recently.

I know most of us would answer, “That would be great.”

Interestingly enough, I find it’s pretty easy to get applicants to share this information. Here are the questions I suggest you ask:

  • Did your last employer give you a performance review?
  • When did that review take place?
  • Did you get a copy of the review?
  • How did you feel about the review?
  • What was covered in that review?
  • How did you rate in each of those areas?

If you are interested in hiring the person, at the end of the interview, ask them to provide you with a copy of said document ASAP.

It’s that simple.

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.

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