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Jul 22, 2013

This post was inspired by a call I just took from a local charity, the Texas Highway Patrol Association, looking to raise money for officers injured or killed in the line of duty.

A while ago, I learned to ask anyone who calls from a charity one question: “How are the funds distributed?” It seems the law requires them to answer honestly.

In this case, the answer was that 20 percent actually goes to officers and 80 percent goes to support fund raising and administrative costs. With a little more research, I found out that one of their campaigns raised over $1.8 million for an officer killed in the line of duty. The officer’s family got only $12,500.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the law required applicants to tell the truth during interviews and, as importantly, if hiring managers and HR folks were required to tell applicants the truth about the company, the job, and the manager?

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.

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