
Hiring Wisdom: 2 Resolutions That Will Improve Your Hiring Next Year

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Dec 10, 2012

If you can implement these two, simple hiring resolutions for 2013, at the end of the year, you’ll find the quality of your new hires is significantly higher and employee turnover is significantly lower than it was at the end of 2012:

1. In 2013, we will not hire people who are looking for work; we will only hire people who are looking to work for and with us and who we want to work with.

In other words, don’t hire anyone who just wants a job — any job. Instead, look for those who really want to work for you and your organization. While many applicants may tell you how great they’ve heard your company is, here’s how to separate the wheat from the chaff:

When you find an applicant you’d like to hire, offer the person the job with the caveat that they cannot start until two or three weeks later. Those who really want to be part of your team will figure out a way to make it work and are the ones you want to hire. This works even if you need someone yesterday because, if they commit to the wait, you can call them the next day and arrange to have them start earlier.

2. Always be looking for your next employee. Make sure you schedule at least “x” interviews every week (or month, depending on your needs).

This is a great way to keep your interviewing skills sharp and build a backup bench so you will never have to hire out of desperation. Morover, it’s a surefire way to eliminate mediocrity.

This was originally published in the December 2012 Humetrics Hiring Hints newsletter.

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