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Jan 7, 2013

In order to clarify your intentions, goals, and objectives when it comes to employee recruiting and retention in 2013, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are you going to do to make your 2013 goals statement concrete and specific rather than abstract?
  2. How many great new employees are you going to hire this year?
  3. What are you going to do to get more referrals from present employees, customers, and vendors for potential new great employees?
  4. How many of the best employees who have left the organization will you try to re-recruit?
  5. What three (3), new things are you going to do to keep morale at its highest level ever?
  6. What five (5) things are you going to do to retain your best employees this year?
  7. How many times will you make it a point to catch people doing things right rather than doing things wrong?
  8. How many verbal acknowledgments, letters, and notes of positive recognition will you deliver each week all year long?
  9. How much more time will you spend with your best employees rather than dealing with the worst ones?

Are you willing and able to either do whatever it takes to bring your mediocre performers up to speed or get rid of them?

Now, where are you going to write all of this down so you can review and revise your plans regularly? What will your workplace LOOK like when you accomplish everything you’ve committed to? How good will it FEEL?

Why COULDN’T you do all of this? (Any answer to the last one is not a reason, but rather a self-imposed limitation, excuse, or lack of desire.)

Now, go out and plan to have, no, COMMIT to YOUR BEST YEAR EVER IN 2013!

This was originally published in the January 2013 Humetrics Hiring Hints newsletter.