Have you been asking yourself why your organization is not attracting quality applicants?
If the people who apply are not of the caliber you want and need, there are two questions to ask yourself:
- Do the quality people you want to hire know the job exists? If the answer is “no,” you need to take a more aggressive, marketing-approach to recruiting. (In most companies, recruiting is a marketing problem with an inadequate budget.)
- Are those high-quality people, when you do find them, willing to work for what you’re willing to offer? If the kind of people you want to hire do apply, but don’t take the job, you need to look at what you are offering. (Remember, money is only one, small part of the offer.)
Note: One of the most effective tools for employee recruiting, selection, and retention is a Top 10 List comprised of at least 10 reasons why a STAR employee should want to work for your organization. To learn more about creating your own Top 10 List, email info@humetrics.com with Top 10 List in the subject line.
This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.