
Countdown to Transform: Tim Sackett’s Recruiting & HR Influences

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Feb 15, 2012
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

As we count down the days to the inaugural TLNT Transform conference in Austin, Texas Feb. 27-28, it’s worth noting that a good number of the speakers are some of the very same writers you enjoy every day here on TLNT.

Take, for example, Tim Sackett, Executive Vice President for HRU Technical Resources in Lansing, Michigan. Tim is not only a crackerjack recruiter and HR pro, but he’s a prolific writer and observer of the talent management scene. He writes at The Tim Sackett Project (and we feature the best of those posts here at TLNT), but he’s also part of the gang over at Fistful of Talent, where he also weighs in regularly with his irreverent and unique perspective.

Tim will be speaking at Transform on What Your CEO Wished HR Would Do, and that’s a great topic given his perspective and experience with talent management.

Adding value and making your voice heard

If you haven’t read Tim here at TLNT — and it’s a shame if you haven’t, because he’s funny and entertaining — you need to know that he has a strong philosophy about talent management and HR behind everything he writes and does. He says:

As a HR/Talent Pro is really believe the most important thing an organization can do is increase it’s core talent base. It’s the one deliverable that HR truly controls that can have an extreme bottom-line impact to your organization. That’s not to say that other functional HR competencies aren’t important, but organizations expect us to deliver those things – they don’t always expect us to deliver superior talent – competitive landscape changing talent – holy crap I better pick up my game type talent. This gets noticed – this adds value – this gets your voice heard.”

Yes, Tim alone is worth the price of admission to the Transform conference coming up this month in Austin, Texas, but you are running out of time to sign up and attend. If you sign up now, you can still use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off the registration fee. Just go to the Transform website and register here.

You’ll also get to hear a lot of other great speakers besides Tim Sackett at Transform — people like Billy Beane, the man behind Moneyball, Hard Rock International’s training guru Jim Knight, super HR pro and talent management legend Libby Sartain, and authors/experts like Laurie Bassi and Margaret Morford.

But to hear all of these great speakers (and the many more I haven’t listed here), you need to sign up for Transform today and use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off. Just go to the Transform website and register now.

If you get to Transform, you’ll hear from people like my friend Tim Sackett, and here’s just a little taste of him — a mellow, and quieter taste. But to get more and experience all that Tim and the other great Transform speakers have to offer, you need to sign up today and join us in two weeks down in Austin, Texas.

Do it now, because we really want to see you there.

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.