
Countdown to Transform: Focusing on Forward-Looking Talent Management

Feb 24, 2012
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

We’re coming down to it — the inaugural TLNT Transform conference kicks off this coming Monday at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, Texas.

It’s lining up to be a great event with lots of smart talent management and HR thinkers who all have something to say that you will surely want to hear, but you need to be there to really get all that the conference has to offer.

There’s still time to sign up and attend — and this is especially true if you live in Texas and are in driving distance of Austin — but you need to do it today. If you sign up now, you can still use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off the registration fee. Just go to the Transform website and register here.

Not your typical talent management conference

You’ll get a lot of great insights and information at Transform from some well-known and well-regarded talent management thinkers and practitioners. I’m talking about people like Billy Beane, the man behind Moneyball, Hard Rock International’s training whiz Jim Knight, and authors/experts like Laurie Bassi and Margaret Morford.

The Texas State Capitol in Austin.
The Texas State Capitol in Austin.

Plus, you’ll be treated to the wisdom from people like these three ladies below — Libby Sartain (former HR chief for Southwest Airlines and Yahoo who will be talking about The New Consumer of Work), Karren Fink, Senior Vice President for Human Resources at (she’s part of our panel on Social Media in the Workplace – Where is it Today, Where is it Going Tomorrow?), and independent HR consultant Kimberly Roden (who will talk about Performance Reviews: Why They Do More Harm Than Good). These are three veteran HR pros who really have a lot of sharp and thoughtful insights about how to manage and move ahead with your workforce.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: TLNT Transform isn’t your typical talent management or HR conference. It has been carefully designed to prepare you for the challenges and changes you’ll be facing tomorrow and beyond, not just about what you should be doing in the here and now. That’s something you won’t get at most conferences, yet it is something incredibly important if you are going to be ready to succeed in the world we face tomorrow.

But to hear all of these great speakers (and many, many more), you need to sign up for Transform today and use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off. There’s also HRCI credits available for those of you who need to get those, so just go to the Transform website and register now.

Time is drawing short, so you need to do it now so we can see you next week in sunny Austin.

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.
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