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Dec 20, 2012

We’ve all wished for more hours in the day, but I have yet to see a 25-hour clock on the shelves of any department store.

The good news is there are ways to make the hours we do have more productive. Here are three (and a half) tips to help get the most out of your employees, without asking for any more of their time.

1. Start moving

This may seem counterintuitive, but allowing employees 30 minutes per day for physical exercise will result in increased productivity and decreased absences due to sickness, according to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

If you don’t have an onsite gym, start up a walking group during lunch, organize a fitness class or reach out to a nearby gym to check into a group discount for employees. A successful wellness plan can also prevent depression and job burnout.

2. Start giving

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, the Yale School of Management and Harvard Business School found that helping others can actually increase feelings of time affluence. We feel accomplished and efficient which translates to a feeling of being able to complete many other tasks without increasing our stress levels.

One simple option is to organize a staff service project like serving lunch at a homeless shelter or, try a turnkey program to give back, like Miracle Jeans Day, which lets employees wear jeans to raise funds for your company’s local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

3. Start accessorizing

A recent Texas A&M University study revealed that flowers and plants generate more creativity and better ideas, making them a natural fit for your office. Consider giving a potted plant to employees for birthdays or anniversaries, and enjoy the return!

3 1/2. Start “oohing and aahing”

Believe it or not, research from Hiroshima University also shows that viewing cute images promotes productivity. If you were considering redecorating your space with adorable kittens and puppies or posting an occasional picture of baby farm animals, this study will back you up.