Dec 14, 2012

Joy, happiness and jolliness are what we all seem to want – perhaps especially at this time of year.

And, since I’m writing this post in mid-December, it seems apropos to revisit a recent YahooNews article titled, 11 Things That Make Workers Happy.

Over the past few years, I’ve written about a number of these strategies and tactics, from using internal motivators, to embracing the idea of teleworking, to striking the right work-life balance.

11 things that might make workers happy

As you read through this list, compiled by BusinessNewsDaily staff writer David Mielach, perhaps you can contemplate which of these can provide a focal point for your efforts, in January.

So what are 11 things that might make your workers happy?

  1. Provide an environment where promotion and advancement are encouraged and possible.
  2. Support their efforts by offering relevant and effective training.
  3. Offer even a small bonus, showing appreciation for their work.
  4. Create an environment where internal motivation is encouraged and facilitated.
  5. Make their work environment comfortable and pleasing, from communication to cushions.
  6. Embrace telework.
  7. Build a workspace that allows workers to focus on their responsibilities without excessive interruption.
  8. Strike the right work-life balance.
  9. Offer unique benefits packages that demonstrate caring and thoughtfulness.
  10. Help workers achieve and maintain good health.
  11. Give workers a break for social media and other short breaks.

“Isn’t this all a little excessive?” I hear some of you ask. Not when you consider that happy workers tend to perform better, and leave less.

It may be hard to achieve all of these, all the time, but perhaps each month January through November, we can focus on just one of these. Then, in December each year, we can reflect on how to fine-tune these principles for the next year.

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